Play Along With A Pro Band Doing The Top 5 Blues Feels In The Most Common 5 Blues Keys…
Nothing helps you polish your skills better and faster than playing with a real band. With 5X5 Blues Jam Tracks you will be ready for any jam session situation.

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Special Offer - Get 5X5 Blues Jam Tracks (digital delivery) for Just $7
For the next 3 days you can get the digital delivery version of 5X5 Blues Jam Tracks for only $7 (a 63% discount) AND I’ll throw in my popular Ultimate Blues Jams absolutely free as a special bonus. Offer expires Sun, April 19th...
What Do Jam Tracks Do For You?
Improve Your Timing
You can get better feel and groove playing with a band. This is the main thing that separates good players from just “ok” players.
Gain Valuable Experience
Let’s face it… experience is the best teacher. With jam tracks you can try out new licks, rhythms, and ideas, without having to both any of your buddies.
Have More Fun!
We don’t practice scales, chords, and rhythms just to work on things… we do it to play! These tracks were done in a professional studio with a professional band having a great time doing it. All you have to do is come along for the ride.
Why 5X5 Blues Jam Tracks?
Blues music tends to spend most of the time in 5 core feels:
- Swing Blues
- Slow Blues
- Straight Time Blues Rock
- Jump Blues
- Straight Classic Rock And Roll
So if you are comfortable playing in those basic 5 feels, and you can play in the keys of C,A,G,E, and D, you can probably do a pretty good job playing over just about any blues tune in the book.
And that's where 5X5 Blues Jam Tracks came from. It's a professional band in a professional studio playing backup for you and you alone... whenever the mood strikes you.
Cool… What’s In The Box
Once you sign up, you'll have instant access to 5X5 Blues Jam Tracks along with a short manual outlining some ideas on how best to use the jam tracks.
They’re jam tracks – there’s not much to it. Load one up and start jamming!
And for the next 4 days (until Sunday, April 19th at midnight) you can get them for only $7 (regularly $19)...
AND... if that's not enough of a "no brainer"- I'll throw in my ever popular Ultimate Blues Jams for FREE! (a $39 value).
There are 25 tracks in the 5x5 Jam Tracks, and another 50 in Ultimate Blues Jams... that means you get a total of 75 blues jam tracks for a measly $7!
And if you don’t totally love them, just let me know and you’ll get a full refund, no questions asked.
Please send me my copy of The 5X5 Jam Tracks for only $7.00 (a 63% discount). I understand that if I am not completely satisfied within 365 days I can get a full refund. Also please send me the Ultimate Blues Jams as a Free Bonus (a $39 value).
To order by phone please call 866-531-4741
International customers please call 636-736-4650